The “Dinner Train” for the Friends of the Cumbres Toltec will be Saturday July 20th departing Chama at 3:00pm and return around 9:30pm. We are waiting on pricing from the railroad so we can set the fares. There will be a meal at Osier before we board the train back to Chama. Not sure of the menu, but in the past, it has been very upscale and delicious. Our last trip was Prime Rib and Salmon as a selection plus a Vegetarian selection. The ride back to Chama is at night and the night life is amazing. This is well worth the trip to Chama and the train ride on the Cumbres. This date is near the new moon, so it will not light up the fields as a full moon has done in the past. The full moon, or buck moon, is on July 3rd, and the 1st Quarter moon is July 27th.